Arlene de la Rocha
PhD, RN, MScN, MEd
Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Durham College
Adjunct & Associate Graduate Faculty, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ontario Tech University
Collaborative Nursing Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs
Faculty of Health Sciences
Contact information
Gordon Willey Building
- Room SW205
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.2000 ext. 3293
Research topics
- Undergraduate Nursing Simulation Development
- Attachment Theory
- Empathy
- Caring in Nursing Practice
- Human-Centered Leadership
- Invitational Leadership
Background and interests
Dr. Arlene de la Rocha graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Education, further received a Bachelor of Science Nursing and a Master of Science Nursing degree from University of Phoenix and a Master of Education from Nipissing University, North Bay, and completed her PhD Nursing at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.
PhD dissertation: The Relationship Among Attachment, Empathy, and Caring in Baccalaureate Nursing Students- Developing a Theory Through Structural Equation Model.
Dr. de la Rocha practiced as a first assist in Cardiovascular surgery; worked in pediatric surgical and medical intensive care units; adult cardiovascular and thoracic nursing intensive care; maternal/child nursing; and finally nursing education.
Dr. Arlene de la Rocha along with a creative team of nurse educators from Durham College, Ontario Tech University, University of Ottawa, Queen’s University, The Metropolitan University, University of Toronto, University of Buffalo, Cambrian College, and Nipissing University have been developing virtual and face to face simulations for nursing students. The simulations range from opioid overdose and interventions; to responding to racism in the classroom and clinical settings; to evaluating the impact of poverty on learner stigma and empathy. -
PhD Nursing, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Master of Science Nursing, University of Phoenix, Phoenix Arizona
Master of Education, Nipissing University, North Bay, ON
Bachelor of Science Nursing, University of Phoenix, Phoenix Arizona
Bachelor of Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB -
Courses taught
NURS 4100 Nursing Leadership & Innovation
NURS 4700 Synthesis Professional Practice
NURS 2701 Adult Health Challenges
NURS 1700 Health & Healing Older Adult
NURS 2320 Health Assessment
NURS 1420 Development of Self -
To view publications https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9841-4604
Coffey, S., Graham, L., de la Rocha, A., Chorney, D., Cope, A., Munro-Gilbert, P., Anyinam, C., & Da Silva, C. (2024). Simulation-based learning facilitation using the HELPERS Model. ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9. International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference March 4-6, 2024, Valencia, Spain.
Anyinam, C., Coffey, S., Graham, L., Da Silva, C., Munro-Gilbert, P., de la Rocha, A., & Chorney, D. (2024). Mind the technology gap: Using articulate storyline to build a serious game for opioid education. ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9. International Technology, Education and Development (INTED) Conference March 4-6, 2024, Valencia, Spain.
Coffey, S., Graham, L., de la Rocha, A., Chorney, D., Anyinam, C., Muirhead, B., Vogel, E., Sun, W., Munro-Gilbert, P. 2019). Opioid Simulation with Nursing Students and HELPERS© (Humanistic, Empowering, Learner-centred, Professionally-oriented, Evidence-based/informed, Reflective, Simulation) Model.https://www.universityaffairs.ca/news/news-article/a-novel-approach-to-teaching-nursing-students-about-opioids/
Jones, K., Garrity, M. K., VanderZwan, K. J., Epstein, I., & Burla de la Rocha, A. (2016). To blog or not to blog: What do nursing faculty think? Journal of Nursing Education, 55(12), 683-689. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20161114-04
Percival, J., DiGiuseppe, M., Goodman, B., de la Rocha, A., Longo, F., Hinch, R., LeSage, A., Sanchez, O., & Samis, J. (2016). Exploring factors facilitating and hindering college-university program completion. International Journal of Educational Management, 30(1), 20-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJEM-04-2014-0051
Percival, J., DiGiuseppe, M., Goodman, B., LeSage, A., Hinch, R., Samis, J., Sanchez, O., Rodrigues, A., Raby, P., Longo, F., & de la Rocha, A. (2015). Exploring student and advisor experiences in a college-university pathway program: A study of the Bachelor of Commerce Pathway. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 45(4), 400-422. http://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/cjhe
Garrity, M.K., Jones, K., VanderZwan, K., Burla de la Rocha, A., & Epstein, I. (2014). Integrative review of blogging: Implications for nursing -
Title of project: Wound care education for nursing students: Virtual simulation games (VSGs) and virtual OSCE (V-OSCE). (Winter 2024). Investigators: Dr. Arlene de la Rocha (Co-Pi), Leslie Graham (Co-PI) CAN-SIM Research Grant Multi-Site ($5,000).
Title of project: Evaluating the Impact of a Virtual Poverty Simulation on Learner Stigma and Empathy (Fall 2024). Investigators: Dr. Kelly Foltz-Ramos (Co-PI), Laura Killam (Co-PI), Dr. Arlene de la Rocha (Co-PI) CAN-SIM Research Grant Multi-Site ($5,000).
Title of project: Responding to Racism in the Classroom and Clinical Settings: A Multi-Site Evaluation of Virtual Simulations for Health Professional Students. (Fall 2024). Investigators: Dr. Laura Istanboulian (Co-PI), Dr. Marian Luctkar-Flude (Co-PI), Dr. Jane Tyerman (Co-PI), Dr. Arlene de la Rocha (Co-PI). CAN-SIM Research Grant Multi-Site ($5000).
Title of project: Saving lives: Overdose prevention education and Naloxone administration training for laypersons using simulation-based learning. Dr. Charles Anyinam, Dr. Celina Da Silva, Dr. Sue Coffey, Leslie Graham, Dr. Ellen Vogel, Dr. Bill Muirhead, Patricia Munro-Gilbert, Dr. Arlene de la Rocha, Dana Chorney. Funder: New Frontiers in Research Fund -Tri-agency Institutional Program. (2019). ($249,508).
Title of project: College-University Collaboration to promote Innovation in Teaching-Learning about Opioid Use/Abuse. Dr. Sue Coffey, Leslie Graham, Dr. Charles Anyinam, Dr. Bill Muirhead, Dr. Arlene de la Rocha, Dr. Hilde Zitzelsberger, Dr. Ellen Vogel, Dr. Rick Vanderlee, Dana Chorney, Patricia Munro-Gilbert, Dr. Winnie Sun. (2018). ($39,000).
Title of project: Barriers to pathway completion: A research report for Durham College and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Fabiola Longo, Dr. Ann LeSage, Dr. Maurice DiGiuseppe, Dr. Bill Goodman, Dr. Jennifer Percival, Dr. Arlene de la Rocha, Dr. Ron Hinch, Dr. Anna Rodrigues, Phil Raby, Dr. Ottto Sanchez, & Dr. John Samis. (2012). ($40,000). -
Research collaborators
Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators using Simulation (CAN-Sim)