Robert Balogh
PhD, MSc, BHSc
Associate Professor
Faculty of Health Sciences
Contact information
Shawenjigewining Hall
- Room 434
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5
905.721.8668 ext. 2602
Research topics
- Intellectual disability
- health services, primary care
- preventable hospitalizations
- dual diagnosis
- health disparities
Research and expertise
Background and interests
Dr. Robert Balogh graduated with a Physiotherapy degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario in 1993 and has used his health professional background in clinical, research and teaching environments. He received a Master of Science in Epidemiology from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in 2003 and a PhD from the University of Toronto in 2008. He recently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, both located in Toronto, Ontario.
Current Research:
Dr. Balogh is currently the leader of a research project entitled Key elements of successful housing for individuals with developmental disabilities and exceptional behavioural needs: Useful space designs and supportive residential models (funded over two years by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services). The research team refers to it as Successful Housing Elements for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (SHEDD).
A number of adult Ontarians with developmental disabilities have difficulty finding and maintaining appropriate community residential or living arrangements that address their behavioural needs. These are commonly individuals who exhibit significant behaviours such as aggression, self-injury and destructiveness.
Few studies have looked at characteristics of community housing that best addresses the needs of those with developmental disabilities and exceptional behaviour, even though the social and physical environment are important characteristics to consider. Dr. Balogh and his team aim to:
- Describe the physical space and design arrangements in residences in Ontario that provide high-support housing for persons with developmental disabilities and exceptional behavioural needs.
- Identify key elements required for successful placement of persons with developmental disabilities and exceptional behavioural needs.
- Determine patient and staff outcomes at high-support housing models located in Ontario.
To address the objectives, this project will use a mixed-methods approach combining qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data will include key informant interviews. The quantitative component will collect information on items such as the frequency of hospital admissions and serious incidents from residences managed by our community partner agencies, which include Community Living Toronto, Reena, Bethesda, and Vita Community Living Services.
- PhD, University of Toronto, 2008
- Master of Science, Queen's University, 2003
- Physiotherapy degree, McMaster University, 1993
Courses taught
Courses taught (past and present) at the undergraduate level:
- Research Applications I and II (online)
- Exploring Mental Health and Developmental Disparities
Courses taught (past and present) at the graduate level:
- Research Methods for Rehabilitation Science
For a complete and up to date list, see PubMed.
- Balogh R., Lake J., Lin E., Wilton A., Lunsky Y. Disparities in diabetes prevalence and preventable hospitalizations in persons with intellectual and developmental disability: a population study. Diabetic Medicine. 2014.
- Lunsky Y., Balogh R., Sullivan W.F., Jaakkimainen R.L. Periodic health examinations for adults with developmental disabilities: Are we doing enough? Canadian Family Physician. 2014; 60(2):109-10.
- Cobigo V., Ouellette-Kuntz H., Balogh R., Leung F., Lin E., Lunsky Y. Are cervical and breast cancer screening programmes equitable? The case of women with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2013; 57(5):478-88.
- Lin E., Balogh R., Cobigo V., Ouellette-Kuntz H., Wilton A.S., Lunsky Y. Using administrative health data to identify individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a comparison of algorithms. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2013; 57(5):462-77.
- Lunsky Y., Balogh R.S., Khodaverdian A., Elliott D., Jaskulski C., Morris S. A comparison of medical and psychobehavioral emergency department visits made by adults with intellectual disabilities. Emergency Medicine International. 2012; 2012: 1-6.
- Lake J.K., Balogh R.S. and Lunsky Y. (2012). Polypharmacy profiles and predictors among adults with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Lunsky Y., Lin E., Kurdyak P., Balogh R.S., Bennie J., Klein-Geltink J., Wilton D. and Kopp A. (2012). Primary care utilization among adults with dual diagnosis (developmental disability and psychiatric disorder). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.
- Balogh R.S., Ouellette-Kuntz H., Brownell M. and Colantonio A. (2011). Factors associated with hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions among persons with an intellectual disability - a publicly insured population perspective. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
Research collaborators
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
- Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
- Surrey Place Centre
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Health Systems Research and Consulting Unit. Balogh R. Fellowship Research Award.
- 2009 to present, $55,000 per year
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Planning Grants – Priority Announcements: Community-based Primary Healthcare. Ouellette-Kuntz H., Balogh R.S. (co-investigator), Cobigo V., Hennen B., Lecomte J., Lunsky Y., McColl M.A., Morin D., Norris D.A., Proulx R., Shooshtari S.G., Sullivan W.F. and Temple B.A. Innovations in Community-based PHC for Adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities.
- 2011, $25 000
- CIHR, Meetings, Plannings and Dissemination - Population and Public Health. Passalent L., Balogh R.S. (co-investigator), McKay C., Rezai M. and Yeung E. Disability Awareness and Research Workshop in Rural Cambodia.
- 2010, $20,740
- CIHR: Partnerships for Health System Improvement program. Lunsky Y., Balogh R.S. (co-principal investigator), Isaacs B., Lin E. and Ouellette-Kuntz H. Indicators of Primary Care Provided to Persons with Developmental Disabilities in Ontario.
- 2010, $350,000
- International Development and Relief Foundation. Chishtie J., Chishtie F. and Balogh R.S. Rehabilitation Program for the Disabled and Spinal Cord Injured of the 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan - Phase II (International Development Project).
- 2008, $20,000
- International Development and Relief Foundation. Chishtie J., Balogh R.S. and Shaw J. Outreach and Community-Based Rehabilitation Program for the Disabled and Spinal Cord Injured of the 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan (International Development Project).
- 2006 to 2008, $100,000
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Balogh, R. Doctoral Fellowship: Health Care Technology and Place: Strategic Training.
- 2005 to 2006, $5,000 per year
- Canadian International Development Agency. Balogh R.S., Edmonds L.J., Jalovcic D. and Peat M. CBR Development in Republika Srpska: Project Extension Proposal (International Development Project).
- 2005, $250,000
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Health Systems Research and Consulting Unit. Balogh R. Fellowship Research Award.