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Guest lectures and podcasts

In the Faculty of Health Sciences, we strive to bring in leaders in the field to speak to faculty, staff and students on a number of wide-ranging health and health-related topics. Working with the Teaching and Learning Centre, these speaking engagements are filmed so they can be used for educational purposes following the event. 

Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo, Guest Lecture: Challenges and opportunities for research collaboration in Sub-Saharan Africa using Uganda as an example – September 27, 2018

Dr. Geoffrey Auguyo's headshot

Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo is a general practice physician trained at Makerere University Medical School in Uganda. His interests are in innovative and sustainable approaches to community health and global health education. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Kigezi Health Care Foundation (KIHEFO), a non-profit organization based in the southwestern part of Uganda. He is also a Medical Director with Child Family Health International for the Ugandan global health program, as well as Supervisor for the student community placement program with Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine and Department of Community Health. He has delivered speeches in different platforms internationally at conferences, universities and resource mobilization activities with partners. In August 2018 he was elected as a board member and the governing council for Uganda Society for Health Scientists, which is the biggest umbrella organization that brings on board all health professionals in Uganda, and is affiliated to the East African community. 

Travis Saunders, keynote address and audience discussion: Childhood obesity in Canada: a growing concern - August 29, 2013

Dr. Margareta Nordin, New York University:
From evidence to practice and policy: Building a team prepared to transfer research into practice - June 18, 2013

Dr. Marc-Emile Plourde: Creating mobile apps for health science: Living the mobile revolution - October 18, 2012

Dr. Alice Aiken
: Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research: Building a pan-Canadian research network
 - August 27, 2012

Jonathan Morris:
Catalyzing change from within: Harnessing social learning to promote campus mental health - August 27, 2012 

Dr. John Gilbert:
Learning together to practice collaboratively: Key principles for interprofessional education - January 23, 2012

Dr. Michael Rachlis: 
Skating where the puck is going: Post-secondary education and Ontario healthy policy - September 2, 2011