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Immunization requirements


(Updated June 2023)

The Faculty of Health Sciences will be utilizing Synergy Gateway Verified for the verification of all pre-practicum (pre-placement) documentation (including but not limited to the completion of immunizations, and required modules) for all students in the Nursing Program and Med Lab Programs.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, SO 2002, c. 8, Sch. O. and will be collected, protected, used, disclosed and retained in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31. This information will be used to administer screening for pre-practicum requirements.

Information uploaded to the platform will be retained by Synergy for one year after termination of their account. Students will be able to access their information for one year after they have left their program.  A reminder to students that you are ultimately responsible for maintaining your pre-practicum requirements and keeping original copies of your documentation should they be requested by your placement site.

Questions regarding the collection of your personal information may be directed to:  Ontario Tech University Access and Privacy Office, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, 905.721.8668, ext. 6705, email:

To be eligible to participate in practicum, students must meet specific requirements for practice, both medical (e.g. immunizations) and non-medical (e.g. vulnerable sector check), as outlined within the contractual agreements established with our placement partners.  These requirements form an integral component of a student’s Professional Suitability as outlined in the Academic Calendar

Below are the immunization requirements for pre-practicum students. These requirements must be completed in order for students to be eligible to attend clinical placement. 

Students are responsible for keeping the original documents at all times. Students must monitor their email address throughout the entire year to facilitate smooth handling of their documentation.

NOTE: Please begin the process of completing the required documentation as soon as you receive your grades at the end of the winter semester. Time required for completion can be extensive and may delay your attendance to mandatory components of the MLSc program if not complete by the due dates.


To help protect the health and safety of students and patients/clients, all students enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Science program must provide proof of immunization to be eligible for laboratory-based courses and to attend clinical placement. The due dates for students entering Year 4 are found in the following table:

Relevant students

When to begin

Required document

Due dates

Students entering practicum (clinical placement) the next academic year

April prior to the start of practicum

Synergy Website

July start to placement: June 15.

 August/September start to placement: July 31.

Students entering practicum:

  • Details about the immunization requirements, returning student immunization form and process will be provided via email after the Winter semester grade release for all students eligible for practicum.
  • Returning immunization includes proof of completion of a one-step tuberculosis (TB) test or documentation from a health care provider indicating they have no signs of active TB if have previously tested positive.
The influenza (flu) vaccination is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. The influenza vaccine (flu shot) is generally not available until October and takes two weeks to become effective. Note: Any clinical practicum site can make it mandatory to have an annual influenza vaccination prior to approving placement.


(Updated June 2023)

The Faculty of Health Sciences will be utilizing Synergy Gateway Verified for the verification of all pre-practicum (pre-placement) documentation (including but not limited to the completion of immunizations, and required modules) for all students in the Nursing Program and Med Lab Programs.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology Act, SO 2002, c. 8, Sch. O. and will be collected, protected, used, disclosed and retained in compliance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c. F.31. This information will be used to administer screening for pre-practicum requirements.

Information uploaded to the platform will be retained by Synergy for one year after termination of their account. Students will be able to access their information for one year after they have left their program.  A reminder to students that you are ultimately responsible for maintaining your pre-practicum requirements and keeping original copies of your documentation should they be requested by your placement site.

Questions regarding the collection of your personal information may be directed to:  Ontario Tech University Access and Privacy Office, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4, 905.721.8668, ext. 6705, email:

Below are the immunization requirements for students entering Year 2 of the Medical Laboratory Science program, specifically eligible for MLSC 1010 (a laboratory-based course). These requirements must be completed in order for students to be eligible to attend laboratory classes. 

Students are responsible for keeping the original documents at all times. Students must monitor their email address throughout the entire year to facilitate smooth handling of their documentation.

NOTE: Please begin the process of completing the required documentation as soon as you receive your grades at the end of the winter semester. Time required for completion can be extensive and may delay your attendance to mandatory components of the MLSc program if not complete by the due dates.


To help protect the health and safety of students and patients/clients, all students enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Science program must provide proof of immunization to be eligible for laboratory-based courses and to attend clinical placement. The due dates for students entering Year 2 are found in the following table:

Relevant students

When to begin

Required document

Due dates

Students entering MLSC 1010 the next fall semester

April prior to the Fall semester

Synergy Website

July 31 prior to the Fall semester

Students entering MLSC 1010 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Practice:

  • An introduction to the immunization requirements, document and process will be provided during a tutorial session of MLSC 1110 Foundations in Clinical Biochemistry in the winter semester of the first year in the MLSc program.
  • Entry immunization includes proof of completion of a two-step tuberculosis (TB) test or documentation from a health care provider indicating they have no signs of active TB if have previously tested positive.
  • The influenza (flu) vaccination is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. The influenza vaccine (flu shot) is generally not available until October and takes two weeks to become effective.