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Experiential learning

Partnership, collaboration and a multidisciplinary approach to enhancing health care are cornerstones in the development of health services. Hands-on experience is a valuable asset for all of our students; we are pleased to offer a number of opportunities for our students to take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in a workplace setting.


The Faculty of Health Sciences is delighted to have the opportunity to work closely with our many business and community partners, which include more than 60 community-based agencies and organizations across Ontario, such as:

  • health service organizations
  • home care nursing services
  • hospitals
  • private laboratories
  • regional health and social service departments
  • social planning councils

Our students receive outstanding internships, placement and co-op opportunities, thanks to our partnerships with local organizations, including:

  • Durham Region Public Health
  • Grandview Children’s Centre
  • Lakeridge Health Corporation
  • Lakeridge Health Education and Research Network
  • Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
  • Rouge Valley Health System

In addition to providing practical opportunities for student learning, our partnerships allow us to develop and expand our programs and research in:

  • disease prevention
  • health promotion
  • physical activity and rehabilitation

Clinical learning experience


With the Nursing program's strong clinical focus, you have opportunities each year to develop your nursing skills and knowledge in the finest hospitals and agencies in the region through clinical placements.

Clinical placements are a core component in each year of the Nursing program, starting from the first year of studies. Students appreciate and embrace the opportunity to apply their learning in a clinical setting. They are committed to becoming leaders in health-care delivery. They recognize the necessity and importance of working with trained professionals and their patients to enhance their knowledge and further their own skills and professional development.

Medical Laboratory Science

The integration of classroom instruction and clinical practice is also the foundation of our Medical Laboratory Science program. You learn and enhance your technical and professional skills through laboratory activities in each of the three years at the university and gain extensive experience in fourth year during a two-semester practicum at our one of our affiliated clinical sites. This practicum experience positions you for career success by:

  • Providing networking opportunities.
  • Facilitating professional mentoring.
  • Fostering the development of teamwork and leadership.

Affiliated clinical sites

  • Alpha Laboratories
  • Brantford General Hospital
  • Grand River/ St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Grey Bruce - Owen Sound
  • Halton Healthcare System
  • Hospital for Sick Children
  • Humber Regional Health Centre
  • Lakeridge Health Corporation
  • LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services
  • London Health Sciences Centre
  • Mackenzie Health
  • Michael Garron Hospital (formerly Toronto East General Hospital)
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • North Bay RHC
  • North York General Hospital
  • Northumberland Hills Hospital
  • Oak Valley Health (formerly Markham Stouffville Hospital)
  • Peterborough Regional Health Centre
  • Scarborough Health Network
  • St. Thomas Elgin Hospital
  • Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  • Unity Health Toronto (St. Michael’s Hospital)

This list is updated annually; therefore, there may be changes by the time students are ready to enter their practicum semesters.

Important information about practicum placements

Although some exceptional circumstances may be considered, practicum sites are assigned on a random basis. Students may be placed in any affiliated site within the province of Ontario. Students are responsible for any costs associated with relocation.

Research practicum

Students in all Health Sciences programs can apply for a fourth-year Research Practicum that extends throughout their final year of studies. Working under the direction of a research tutor, both university- and community-based, you receive a practical experience that exemplifies the collaborative research process while providing you with a valued opportunity to apply your knowledge in a research setting.


Kinesiology students may pursue internship opportunities for one term or a full year. Working in the field of athletic therapy or exercise and rehabilitation, you are able to use skills you learned in the classroom and apply them to real-world experiences.

There is a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on experience throughout the university's Kinesiology specialization. In Year 4 there are both Kinesiology and Athletic Therapy internships. Students gain practical experience applying the knowledge gained in their undergraduate degree.

Examples of current placements

  • cardiac rehabilitation
  • chiropractic and/or physiotherapy assistant
  • personal trainer
  • research projects involving exercise and special populations (e.g. cancer, depression)
  • special needs program assistant
  • sport-specific trainer
  • student therapist to a varsity sports team

There is also some flexibility for students with special interests.