
Jennifer Abbass Dick, PhD
Associate Professor
- breastfeeding
- parenting
- co-parenting
- fathers
- randomized controlled trials
- interventions design and evaluation
- eHealth

JoAnne Arcand, PhD, RD
Associate Professor
- public health nutrition
- clinical nutrition
- dietetics
- food policy (food supply, public knowledge attitudes behaviours)
- chronic disease prevention and management
- cardiovascular disease (hypertension, heart failure)
- program and policy evaluation
- patient oriented research
- implementation science
- dietary sodium
- dietary assessment
- knowledge translation

Robert Balogh, PhD, MSc, BHSc
Associate Professor
- Intellectual disability
- health services, primary care
- preventable hospitalizations
- dual diagnosis
- health disparities

Laura Banks, PhD, RKin
Associate Teaching Professor
- Exercise physiology
- cardiac rehabilitation
- sex differences
- teaching and learning
- instructional design

Caroline Barakat, BSc (Hon), MES, PhD
Associate Professor
- Public Health
- Healthy Environments
- Child and Adolescent Health
- Health Geography
- Air Pollution and Health
- Health Inequities
- Educational Health Promotive Toolkits
Nancy Bergeron
Associate Teaching Professor

Lavern Bourne, MLT, PhD
Senior Teaching Professor
- Public health: mental health
- simulation in healthcare
- accountability in the healthcare sector
- interprofessional education and collaboration
- transfusion science (immunology)

Ginny Brunton, RN, RM, PhD
Associate Professor
- community engagement in health research
- health research methodology
- evidence synthesis and knowledge exchange
- health policy
- community/population health
- public health
- birth and maternity care research

Toba Bryant, PhD
Associate Professor
- social determinants of health
- public policy
- welfare state
- social and health inequalities
- intersectionality
- political economy
- health policy
- neoliberalism
- employment and economic restructuring
Sue Coffey, PhD
Associate Professor
- innovative nursing curriculum
- curriculum evaluation
- accessible post-secondary education for non-traditional students
- nursing theory development
Adam Cole, PhD
Assistant Professor
- public health
- substance use
- child and adolescent health
- school/campus health promotion
- chronic disease prevention
- program and policy evaluation

Pierre Côté, DC, PhD
Professor, Ontario Tech University Research Excellence Chair in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
- epidemiology
- disability
- rehabilitation
- musculoskeletal pain
- traffic injuries
- low back and neck pain
- mental health
- clinical practice guidelines

Courtney Cross, MEd
Assistant Teaching Professor
- Microbiology
- Infection Control
- Public Health
- Epidemiology

Shilpa Dogra, PhD
- aging
- age-friendly
- healthy cities
- active transportation
- e-bikes
- sedentary behaviour
- human physiology
- biomarkers

Adam Dubrowski, PhD
- simulation in health care
- disruptive technologies
- teaching and learning

Brenda Gamble, PhD
Associate Professor
- health human resources
- accountability
- health services research
- interprofessional education and collaboration
- public/private sectors in health care
- health policy analysis
- funding and delivery of medical laboratory services

Joseph Gurgis, PhD
Assistant Teaching Professor
- safeguarding in sport
- coach education
- Indigenous coaching
Greg Hardy, MLT, EdD
Assistant Teaching Professor
- Professional Identity
- Identity
- Health Professional Education
- Continuing Education, and Professional Development
- Curriculum Development
- Instructional Design
- Educational Assessment
- Educational Research Methodology including Case Study, Adult Learning & Online Learning
Holly Jones-Taggart, PhD
Associate Professor
- cellular response to external stimuli
- molecular manipulation techniques
- technology-enhanced strategies for delivery of health sciences education

Mikael Khan, MHS
Associate Teaching Professor
- Simulated interprofessional education
- pedagogy in health education

Nooshin Khobzi Rotondi, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
- epidemiology
- health service access
- health equity research
- community-based research
- sampling of hard-to-reach populations
- survey methods
- program evaluation

Nicholas La Delfa, PhD, MSc, B. Sc. kin (hon)
Associate Professor
- occupational biomechanics
- neuromechanics
- proactive ergonomics
- neuromuscular fatigue and recovery
- upper extremity strength prediction
- digital human modelling and work simulation
- musculoskeletal modelling

Manon Lemonde, RN, PhD
Associate Professor
- Seniors
- chronic diseases
- breastfeeding
- health literacy
- cultural care

Lori Livingston, PhD
- sport officiating
- clinical biomechanics
- injury prevention
- rehabilitation
- validity, reliability and accuracy of clinical measurements
- sport coaching

Meghann Lloyd, PhD
- Adapted Physical Activity
- Motor Development
- Children with Disabilities
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Health of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Special Olympics

Janet McCabe, RN, MEd, PhD
Associate Professor
- Chronic disease prevention
- Developmental disability
- Intellectual disability
- Health promotion
- Nursing
- Social inclusion
Bernadette Murphy, DC, PhD
- sensorimotor integration
- neural adaptation and learning
- neurophysiology of musculoskeletal treatments
- chronic pain processing
- neural effects of exercise
- brain plasticity in virtual reality
Mika Nonoyama, PhD, RRT, FCSRT
Associate Professor
- pediatric respiratory therapy
- chronic respiratory disease management
- long-term and prolonged mechanical ventilation
- respiratory therapy scholarly practices

Efrosini Papaconstantinou, PhD
Associate Professor
- sleep
- sleep patterns
- predictors of disturbed sleep
- pediatrics
- child and adolescent health
- randomized controlled trial
- evaluation of nursing interventions
- non-pharmacological interventions
Elita Partosoedarso, PhD
Senior Teaching Professor
- Teaching and learning
- Educational technologies and innovations
- Open educational resources
- Pharmacology
Syed Qadri, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
- transfusion science
- blood products
- red blood cells
- pathogen inactivation treatment
- erythropoiesis
- anemia
- cellular signaling
Carol D. Rodgers, PhD
David Rudoler, PhD
Associate Professor
- health services research
- health policy
- health economics
- econometrics
- primary care
- mental health and addictions
- data science

Milly Ryan-Harshman, PhD
Associate Teaching Professor
- End-of-Life Care
- Curriculum
- Simulation Education
- Generative AI Tools
- Food and Technology

Otto Sanchez, MD, PhD
- Disparities in Cancer, with focus on environmental carcinogenesis
- Knowledge synthesis in environmental health and cancer
- Cancer biology: Mechanisms of tumorigenesis and metastasis
- Teaching of basic health sciences with clinical context using case studies
- Effective use of educational technology in health sciences

Michelle Solomon, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Mental health
- spirituality
- adolescents
- psychosocial factors
- meaning making
- racialized and marginalized youth
- health promotion
- participatory research
- community-based research
- nursing epistemology
Heather Sprenger, PhD
Associate Professor
- physiology
- exercise
- metabolism
- environmental physiology
- performance

Winnie Sun, RN, PhD
Associate Professor
- gerontology
- community health
- self-management
- home care safety
- adverse events
- assistive technologies
- information communication technology
- dementia
- social inclusion
- disability
- health services and policy

Nick Wattie, PhD
Associate Professor
- Expertise Development
- Athlete Development
- Talent Identification and Development
- Applied Skill Acquisition
- Sport
- Simulation Based Medical Education
Paul Yielder, PhD
Associate Professor
- computed tomography
- ultrasound
- anatomical modelling
- musculoskeletal MRI
- neuroanatomy
- neuroscience
- performance asymmetry
- psychopathology
Hilde Zitzelsberger, PhD
Associate Professor
- disabilities and differences
- chronic illnesses
- embodiment
- community health
- gender and health (i.e. women and girls)
- health-care technologies