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The Kinesiology specialization is directed toward understanding the role and safe application of exercise for:

  • fitness
  • health improvement
  • rehabilitation

It prepares you to:

  • Become a kinesiology practitioner.
  • Safely prescribe individualized exercise programs to improve or maintain the health, functional capacity and well-being of a range of healthy and clinical populations.

You will take courses with a focus on:

  • anatomy
  • biomechanics
  • motor control and neuroscience
  • physiology, exercise physiology and psychology
  • psychomotor behaviour

Within this program you will also have the opportunity to pursue an internship. Kinesiology is now a regulated health profession in Ontario and this specialization aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge they will need to function as a health professional and write the competency exam to become a registered kinesiologist.

A special opportunity also exists for students interested in becoming a chiropractor. An agreement between Ontario Tech University and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) enables 10 qualified students per year to complete a Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) in Kinesiology degree and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in seven years, instead of eight.