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Manon Lemonde's headshot

Manon Lemonde

Associate Professor

Faculty of Health Sciences

Contact information

Shawenjigewining Hall - Room 433
North Oshawa
2000 Simcoe Street North
Oshawa, ON L1G 0C5

905.721.8668 ext. 2706

Research topics

  • Seniors
  • chronic diseases
  • breastfeeding
  • health literacy
  • cultural care

Research and expertise

  • Background and interests

    Dr. Lemonde's current research involves oncology-related projects including breast cancer, symptoms management, palliative care, end-of-life, primary care and health human resources. Projects for potential supervision of Master of Health Science candidates include the following:

    • Symptoms experienced by patients living with cancer.
    • Gerontology: interest in developing a project related to work environment in the geriatric field.
    • Quality of life and symptoms management.
    • Work environment and human health resources-related subjects in specialized areas of practice (oncology, gerontology, etc.).

    She received the ESO 2nd Masterclass in Oncology Nursing in 2008 as well as a Career Reorientation Award from the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.

    Dr. Lemonde is the Director of the Age with Dignity Campus of Care and Best Practices Research Centre. Please visit the website for more information

  • Education
    PhD (2000) Universite de Montreal 
    MScN (1982) Universite de Montreal 
    BScN (1978) Universite de Montreal
  • Courses taught

    Courses taught (past and present) at the undergraduate level:

    • Ethics
    • Health and Healing I
    • Research Applications I
    • Research Applications II
    • Research Practicum I
    • Research Practicum II

    Courses taught (past and present) at the graduate level:

    • Special Topics in Health Science
    • Studies in Community Health
    • Advanced Topics in Health Science
  • Publications

    For a comprehensive list of publications, visit PubMed.

    Akhter, R., Sun, W., Quevedo, A.J.U., Lemonde, M., Liscano, R., & Horsburgh, S. (2023) Healthcare Professionals’ Perception of Using a Web-Based Reminiscence Therapy to Support Person with Dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 

    Cook, S., Munteanu, C., Papadopoulos, E., Abrams, H., Stinson, J. N., Pitters, E., Stephens, D., Lumchick, M., Emmenegger, U., Koneru, R., Papadakos, J., Shahrokni, A., Durbano, S., Menjak, I., Mehta, R., Haase, K., Jang, R., Krzyzanowska, M. K., Dale, C., Jones, J., Lemonde, M ., Alibhai, S., & Puts, M. (2023).The development of an electronic geriatric assessment tool: Comprehensive health assessment for my plan (CHAMP). J Geriatr Oncol, 14(1):101384. doi: 10.1016/j.jgo.2022.09.013. Epub 2022 Oct 8. 

    Abbass-Dick, J., Chyzzy, B., McCutcheon, M., Nesbitt, M., & Lemonde, M. (2022). Examining students’ knowledge of infant feeding: A non-experimental descriptive study. International Health Trends and Perspectives2(3), 371–384. 

    Dahrouge, S., Gauthier, A.P., Durand, F., Lemonde, M., Saluja, K., Kendall, C., Premji, K., Presseau, J., Chomienne, M.-H., Toal-Sullivan, D. A., Timony, P., Perna, A., & Prud’homme, D. (2022). The Feasibility to Resources in the Community (ARC) Model.  International Journal of Integrated Care. 22(4): 13, 1–15. DOI: 

    Sivakumar, B., Lemonde, M., Stein, M., Goldstein, S., Mak, S., & Arcand, J. (2022). Evaluating healthcare provider perspectives on the use of mobile apps to support patients with heart failure management. JMIR Cardio, 6(2):e40546. doi: 10.2196/40546. 

    Donison, V., Chesney, T.R., Wills, A., Santos, B., McLean, B., Alqurini, N., Hossain, N., Gray, M., Durbano, S., Lemonde, M., Alibhai, S.M.H., & Puts, M. (2022). Self-management interventions for issues identified in a geriatric assessment: a systematic review. American Geriatrics Society, 70(4), 1268-1279:

    Gauthier, A.P., Bourgoin, N., Ndihokubwayo, N., Lemonde, M., Toal-Sullivan, D., Timony, P.E., Warnet, C., Chomienne, M-H., Kendall, C, E., Premji, K., Dahrouge, S. (2022). Learning from Reflective Journaling; The Experience of Navigators in Assisting Patients Access to Health and Social Resources in the Community. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 

    Kvasnak, K.L., Brunton, G., Lemonde, M., Chyzzy, B., & Abbass-Dick, J. (2021). Considerations for the Design of a Perinatal Mindfulness Intervention for Adolescents Based on a Systematic Review of the Literature. International Health Trends and Perspectives (IHTP), 1(2), 226-248, 2021 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. 

    Subasri, M., Lemonde, M., Mundluru, J., Chang, J., & Koneru, R. (2021) Assessing the Educational and Supportive Care Needs of Canadian Metastatic Melanoma Patients and Survivors Attending an Outpatient Clinic. Journal of Patient Experience, Vol 8; 1-8: DOI: 10.1177/23743735211033126

    Teggart, K., Silva, A., Powell, T., Lemonde, M., Maheu, C., & Mayo, S. (2022). Reflection on moving research forward during COVID-19: Strategies to continue, conclude and commence. Canadian Journal of Nursing in Oncology. 32 (2), 322-324. 

    Puts, M., Alqurini, N., Strohschein, F., Koneru, R., Szumacher, E., Mariano, C., Monette, J., Hsu, T., Brennenstuhl, S., McLean, B., Wills, A., Berger, A., Amir, E.,  Romanovsky, L., Li, A., Mehta, R., Krzyzanowska, M., Elser, C., Jang, R., Prica, A., Wan-Chow-Wah, D., Pitters, E., Emmenegger, U., Menjak, I.B., Bergman, S.7, Lemonde, M., Breunis, H., Krahn, M., Beland, F., & Alibhai, S.M.H.(2022) Impact of Geriatric Assessment and Management on quality of life, unplanned hospitalizations, toxicity, and survival for older adults with cancer: the randomized 5C trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(4), 

    Puts, M., Alqurini, N., Strohschein, F., Koneru, R., Szumacher, E., Mariano, C., Monette, J., Hsu, T., Brennenstuhl, S., McLean, B., Wills, A., Berger, A., Amir, E.,  Romanovsky, L., Li, A., Mehta, R., Krzyzanowska, M., Elser, C., Jang, R., Prica, A., Wan-Chow-Wah, D., Pitters, E., Emmenegger, U., Menjak, I.B., Bergman, S., Lemonde, M., Breunis, H., Krahn, M., Beland, F., & Alibhai, S.M.H.R. (2021) Self-management interventions for issues identified in a geriatric assessment: a systematic review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 

    Williams, N., Boumans, N., Luymes, N., White, N.E., Lemonde, M., & Guthrie, D.M. (2021).  What should be measured to assess the quality of community-based palliative care?  Results from a collaborative expert workshop. Palliative and Supportive Care, 20(2), 2-7 DOI: 10.1017/S1478951521000791 

    Maheu, C., Lemonde, M., Mayo, S., Galica,J.,& Bally, J. (2021) Moving Research  Forward During COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Nursing in Oncology, 31(4), 490–492. 

    Toal-Sullivan, D., Lemonde, M., Gauthier, A., & Dahrouge, S. (2020). Adopting a lay navigator training programme in primary care. Health Education Journal,80(2), 210-224, DOI: 10.1177/0017896920959364. Impact Factor 1.198

    Cunningham, E., Weaver, R., Lemonde, M., Dogra, S., & Nonoyama, M. (2020). Nordic Pole Walking for Individuals with Cancer: A Feasibility Study Assessing Physical Function and Health-Related Quality of Life. Rehabilitation Oncology, 38 (2), 81-91 doi: 10.1097/01.REO.0000000000000204.

    Corner, B., & Lemonde, M. (2019). RESEARCH REFLECTIONS Survey techniques for nursing studies. Canadian Oncology Journal of Nursing,29(1), 58-60.

    Corner, B., & Lemonde, M. (2019). RÉFLEXIONS SUR LA RECHERCHE : Recherche en soins infirmiers: regard sur les méthodes de sondage. Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, 29 (1), 61-63

    Dahrouge, S., Gauthier, A., Chiocchio, F., Presseau, J., Kendall, C., Lemonde, M., Chomienne, M.-H., Perna, A., Toal-Sullivan, D., Devlin, R.A., Timony, P., & Prudhomme, D. (2019). Access to Resources in the Community through Navigation: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR Res Protoc, 8(1): e11022 doi: 10.2196/111022.

    Koneru, R., Freedman, O., Lemonde, M., & Froese, J. (2018) Evaluation of a comprehensive geriatric assessment tool in geriatric cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy: a pilot study. Supportive Care in Cancer, doi: 10.1007/s00520-018-4448-y. [Epub ahead of print]

    Puts, M., Hsu, T., Mariano, C., Monette, J., Brennenstuhl, S., Wan-Chow-Wah, D., Kozlowski, N., Krzyzanowska, M., Amir, E., Elser, C., Jang, R.,Prica, A.,Krahn, M., Beland, F.,Bergman, S., Koneru, R., Lemonde, M., Szumacher, E., Emmenegger, U., Mehta, R.,Breunis, H., & Alibhai, SHM.  (2017) Clinical and cost-effectiveness of comprehensive geriatric assessment and management for Canadian elders with cancer: the 5C study, study design for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 8 Supplement 1. S92-93.Impact factor: 2.852

    Zanchetta, M., Ndiaye, N.L.,Baribeau, P, Maheu, C., Lemonde, M.,Gebreegziabher, A.,Tamouro, S. Immigrant grand-mothers’ and mothers-in-law’s cancer literacy within their family context.  Journal of Women & Aging (May1, 2017 published online)

    Shiozaki, L., Burgomaster, K., & Lemonde, M. Improving Patient Engagement and Satisfaction: Lessons from a Patient-Driven Care Initiative in a Community-Based HospitalHealthcare Quarterly, 20(1), 60-64,

    Cooper Brathwaite, A., & Lemonde, M. (2017). Exploring health beliefs and practices of Caribbean immigrants in Ontario to prevent type 2 diabetes. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 28 (1), 15-23, doi: 10.1177/1043659615597041. Impact Factor: 0.659 (this article has been published a second time).

    Jeyathevan, G., Lemonde, M., & Cooper Brathwaite, A. (2017). The role of oncology nurse navigators in facilitating continuity of care within the diagnostic phase for adult patients with lung cancer. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 27(1), 74-80.

    Jeyathevan, G., Lemonde, M., & Cooper Brathwaite, A. (2017). Rôle des infirmières pivots en oncologie pour assurer la continuité des soins offerts aux adultes durant la phase diagnostique du cancer du poumon. Revue canadienne des soins infirmiers en oncologie, 27(1), 81-87.

    Jeyathevan, G., Lemonde, M., & Cooper Brathwaite, A. (2017). The role of oncology nurse navigators in enhancing patient empowerment within the diagnostic phase for adult patients with lung cancer. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 27(2), 164-170.

    Jeyathevan, G., Lemonde, M., & Cooper Brathwaite, A. (2017). Rôles joués par les infirmières pivots en oncologie pour accroître la responsabilisation des adultes atteints d’un cancer du poumon durant la phase diagnostique. Revue canadienne des soins infirmiers en oncologie, 27(2), 171-177.

    Dixit, N., Crawford, G.B., Lemonde, M., Rittenberg, C.N., & Fernandez-Ortega, P. (2016). Left behind: cancer disparities in the developed world. Supportive Care in Cancer, 24(8), 3261-3264 (Published online April 6, 2016). DOI 10.1007/s00520-016-3192-4.

    Fernandez-Ortega, P., Phillips, J., Lemonde, M., & Nematollahi, M. (2016). Educational Challenges : Some strategies to provide better cancer care in underserved populations.

    Cooper Brathwaite, A., & Lemonde, M. (2015). Health beliefs and practices of African Immigrants in Canada. Clinical Nursing Research, 25(6), 626-645.doi: 10.1177/1054773815587486. Impact Factor: 1.278.

    Cooper Brathwaite, A., & Lemonde, M. (2015). Exploring health beliefs and practices of Caribbean immigrants in Ontario to prevent type 2 diabetes. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 1-9, doi: 10.1177/1043659615597041. Impact Factor: 0.659

    Cooper Brathwaite, A., & Lemonde, M. (2015). Perceptions of a Culturally Tailored Adapted Program to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes. 2:045 Open Access.

    Lemonde, M., & Payman, N. (2015). Perceived roles of oncology nursing. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 25(4), 422- 431.

    Lemonde, M., & Payman, N. (2015). Perception du rôle de l’infirmière en oncologie.  Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, 25(4), 432-442

    Zanchetta, M.S., Maheu, C., Baku, L., Wedderburn, P.J.S., & Lemonde, M. (2015). Prospective roles for Canadian oncology nurses in breast cancer rapid diagnostic clinics. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 25(2), 144-149.

    Zanchetta, M.S., Maheu, C., Baku, L., Wedderburn, P.J.S., & Lemonde, M. (2015). Rôles potentiels des infirmiers et infirmières en oncologie du Canada dans les centres de diagnostic rapide du cancer du sein. Revue canadienne de soins infirmiers en oncologie, 25(2), 150-156.

    Sritharan, J., Kamaleswaran, R., McFarlan, K., Lemonde, M, George, C. & Sanchez, O. (2014). Environmental Factors in an Ontario Community with Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Incidence. Global Journal of Health Science, 6 (3), 175-185.

    Weaver, R.R., Lemonde, M., & Goodman, W.M. (2014). What Shapes Diabetes Self-Efficacy? Demographics, Social Relations and Health Perceptions. J Diabetes Metab, 5, 370-4. doi:10.4172/2155-6156.1000370.

    Weaver, R., Lemonde, M., Payman, N., & Goodman, W.M. (2014). Health capabilities and diabetes self-management: The impact of economic, social, and cultural resources. Social Science & Medicine, 102 (2014), 58-68. ISSN 0277-9536,

    Lu, F., & Lemonde, M. (2012). A comparison of online versus face-to-face teaching delivery in statistics instruction for undergraduate health science students. Advances in Health Sciences Education Theory and Practice. doi 10.1007/s10459-012-9435-3

    Bouchard, L., Chomienne, M.-H., Benoit, M., Boudreau, F., Lemonde, M. & Dufour, S. (2011). Les Franco-Ontariens âgés souffrant de maladies chroniques se    perçoivent-elles bien desservies? Canadian Family Physician, 58, 1325.

    Cooper Brathwaite, A., & Lemonde, M. (2011) Team Preceptorship Model: A Solution for Students’ Clinical Experience. International Scholarly Research Network. Volume 2011(2011), Article ID 530357, 7 pages.

  • Research collaborators
    • Durham Regional Cancer Centre
    • Lakeridge Health Oshawa
    • University of Ottawa
    • Laurentian University
  • Graduate student research
    • Anne Sleeman (2017- 2019). State of the Health System: An Exploration of the Patients First Act and Historical Review.
    • Yasaman Mirdamadi (2019-2020). What homeless people need: The housing service professionals’ perspectives on the helpfulness of upstreamism.
    • Peter Guang Sun (2017- 2020) Experience of oncology nurses and cancer survivors during cancer treatment transition from oncology teams to primary care providers team.
    • Declan Weir (2018- 2020). Case management for community-dwelling seniors living with frailty: perspectives of case managers.
    • Dawn Balsdon (2019- 2022). Canada’s Opioid Crisis Amid the Pandemic: Quality Improvement Planning Model Proposal
    • Sorcha Harrison (2019-2022): Describing Issues within Long-Term Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Inappropriate Antipsychotic Use in Persons with Dementia and Future Strategies to Improve Pandemic Protocols
    • Master of Health Sciences (MHSc) thesis supervisor for Morgan Steele (2016-2018) Promising Practices used by International Medical Graduate Physicians to Increase Cervical Screening in South Asian and Chinese Immigrants in the Greater Toronto Area.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Melanie  Dissanayake (2015-2018) An Exploration of Palliative Care Providers’ Lived Experiences of Implementing the Gold Standards Framework in Oncology Care from a Hospital-Based, Outpatient Palliative Care Setting.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Robin Andrew (2014 to 2017). Optimizing the Roles of the Dermatology Nurse.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Sonam Desai (2013 to 2016). Acupuncture and Pain Management in Older Adult Patients Undergoing Hip and/or Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review.
    • MHSc thesis co-supervisor for Riyad Akbarali (2012 to 2018). The Perceived Barriers to Exercise and Physical Activity for Individuals with Metastatic Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Qualitative Exploration
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Chris Purves (2012-2015) Patient’s Experience with Home Hemodialysis: A Qualitative Study
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Gayathiri Jeyathevan (2011 to 2013). Evaluation of the overall experience patient experience in diagnostic phase of cancer patients based on the implementation of a nurse navigator program. 
    • MHSc thesis co-supervisor for Meagan O’Neill (2011 to 2013). Effects of a combined aerobic and resistance exercise training program on individuals post cancer treatment.
    • MHSc thesis committee member for Cyra Sethna (2011 to 2013). Understanding Personal Support Workers and their Role in Ontario.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Carmen Nisbet (2010 to 2015). Critical Thinking and Continuing Education in the Long-Term Care Setting.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Matthew Stein (2010 to 2012). Program evaluation of the chronic pain self-management program in the workplace.
    • MHSc thesis supervisor for Rohan Gonsalves (2009 to 2011). Is Yang style Tai Chi a one-size-fits-all fall-prevention exercise program for older adults?

  • Grants

    Puts, M., Alibhai, S., Haase, K, Shahrokni, A., Krzyzanowska, M., Jang, R., Koneru, R., Lemonde, M., Papadakos, J., Abrams, H., Munteanu, C., Cleverly, K., Jones, J., Stinson, J., Pitters, E., & Lumchick, M. (2018). Comprehensive Health Promotion for My Plan (CHAMP) Funded by the Academic Medical Organization Innovation Fund, The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care $189,453 (2 years).

    Arcand, J., Blackburn, D., Code, J., Lemonde, M., Mak, S., Ezekowitz, J., & Friedberg, J. (2017).Improving heart failure outcomes through apps that support self-management and adherence. Submitted to Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) ($150,000).

    Puts, M., Shabbir, A., Hsu, T., Mariano, C., Monette, J., Amir, E., Béland, F., Bergman, S., Elser, C., Emmeneger, U., Jang, R., Koneru, R., Kozlowski, N., Krahn, M., Krzyzanowska, M., Lemonde, M., Mehta, R., Papadakos, J., Prica, A., Szumacher, E., Wan-Chow-Wah, D. (2017). Clinical and cost-effectiveness of a comprehensive geriatric assessment in Canadian elders receiving chemotherapy: the 5C study.Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute (CCSRI), $900, 816. (2017-2021).

    Dahrouge S., Chiocchio F., Presseau J., Prud’homme D., Taljaard M., Gauthier A., Lemonde, M., Kendall C., & Chomienne M.H.(2016). Navigation implementation and support to optimize access to appropriate community services for Francophones living in minority situations. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Ontario SPOR– IMPACT Award, $749,450.

    Conklin, J., Forbes, D., Chambers, L., LeClair, K., Lemonde, M. et al. (2010-2013) Knowledge to Action Processes in SHRTN Collaborative Communities of Practice. Funded by CIHR Operating Grant (100,000$).