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Selection process

Description of the process for selecting students for a research practicum project placements: 

Verification of Minimum Requirements: Students' applications are first screened to ensure they meet the minimum requirements, such as a minimum GPA of 2.7.

Review of Ranking of Projects by Students: Students rank the available projects based on their preferences and interest.

Assignment of Projects to Research Tutors: Research tutors receive the names of students who selected their project as their first choice. Note that research tutors also see the other two projects that the students selected, and their ranking. 

Ranking of Students by Research Tutors: Research tutors rank the students who selected their project based on criteria such as qualifications, academic achievements, letter of interest, previous experience and suitability.

Reassignment of Students: Students not selected for their first-choice project are placed back into the pool. Their applications are then sent to the research tutor selected as their second choice. This process may be repeated for the third choice if needed.

Final Assignment of Projects: Based on the rankings provided by the students and by the research tutors, as well as project availability, students are assigned to projects. 

It is important for students to understand that they may not be able to undertake their top-ranked project due to competition and limited availability. Students should also note that meeting all the cutoff requirements does not guarantee selection for any project, as availability varies annually.